Tortoise Stocklist

Last Updated - 27/01/25

If you are wanting to purchase an animal from us, unless the full set up was purchased from us, please make sure you bring with you pictures of your set up and equipment or have sent them in advance. Animals will not be sold unless we have seen this, are satisfied with the enclosure and the set up has been running at the correct temperatures for 24 hours minimum.


Appointments can be booked to buy or view animals -
Appointments are not compulsory but can help ensure we have a dedicated time available.

We also have a consultation room which is great for anyone wanting to talk privately or in a quiet atmosphere, please book for this room.

If you are wanting a same day appointment, please contact us directly as we may have slots available.


Hermanns Tortoise

Testudo hermanni

2023 Unsexed

Great Beginner Species. Come microchipped and with Cites paperwork.

*Picture is not of actual tortoise available.